

Trusted Realty Inspections Inc. will evaluate the overall condition of the home and provide you with a detailed report. Components in a typical inspection include the following: Roof, Structure, Electrical, Heating, Cooling, Plumbing, Exterior Insulation and Interiors.

Contact Oscar Verduga directly by phone or email today. Trusted Realty Inspections Inc. offers the most competitive home inspection prices.

Drone & Infrared

Drone & Infrared


Trusted Realty Inspections Inc. has the latest in technology and the use of a drone and infrared thermal imaging camera are standard on all inspections.

During an inspection, a drone is able to fly to objects and unsafe areas of the home that cannot be directly accessed by the inspector. This makes for an efficient and safe way to perform a thorough roof inspection.

Infrared thermal imaging cameras allow for a fast way to identify problem areas that may not be easily visible or accessible. Some of the defects that can be identified are: Water intrusion, heat loss, missing or damaged insulation, and electrical overheating.

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